Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Education Canada Job Posting for Maple Leaf

We recently came across a very interesting job posting on educationcanada.com. Maple Leaf is expanding, so they are actively looking for principals to lead their new schools. What we found so interesting is the description of the duties of a Maple Leaf Principal. We wonder if this job description has always been the same, or if it has been revised to reflect many of the issues that have arisen at Maple Leaf Schools such as TTMLIS. We did not witness the following expectations being met by the administrative team at TTMLIS, including the Principal and the Superintendent of all Maple Leaf Schools. We hope that future administrators at Maple Leaf will meet the expectations listed below.

Here are the expected duties of a Maple Leaf Principal that were not fulfilled at TTMLIS:

 - Generally supervises the affairs and day-to-day operations of the School by ensuring the smooth management of the organization, operations and resources for a safe, efficient and effective learning environment:

 - Addresses current and potential issues in a timely manner.

 - Implements effective preventive and corrective discipline procedures with teachers and staff members to ensure that school rules and policies are upheld and maintained.

 - Provides initial orientation and ongoing training and guidance for Canadian teachers regarding their development of an understanding of and respect for Chinese lifestyle, traditions and cultural expectations, MLES policies and rules, the Chinese teachers and staff members.

 - Acts with integrity, fairness and in an ethical manner: - Demonstrates ethical and professional behavior with the MLES Board of Directors, administrators, teachers, students, parents and community.

 - Demonstrates the values, beliefs and attitudes that inspire others to higher levels of performance. - Demonstrates respect for divergent opinions.

 - Upholds and complies with all School policies.

 - Provides professional leadership by example in dress and appearance, conversation, behavior, deportment and respect for Maple Leaf International Schools’ requirements and Chinese traditions and cultural expectations.

Job posting found at: http://www.educationcanada.com/browse.phtml/browse.phtml?sid=bc&eid=562&jid=118931&a=jlp

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Vancouver Sun Article: New Rules for Offshore Schools

After the abusive administrators at TTMLIS continuously harassed and threatened several teachers, they were reported to the Chinese Education Bureau, Foreign Affairs Bureau, Labor Bureau, American and Canadian Embassies, the BC ministry of Education, the Teacher Regulation Branch and the Vancouver Sun. Within the two months of their outspoken objections to the working conditions and making people aware of what is really going on at these schools, the BC ministry of Education has made sweeping changes in their policies for offshore schools, which were published this week. They are creating stricter regulations for the schools to abide by so they will be operating more appropriately including: providing safer schools, making the schools more accountable for following human rights laws, making sure they are actually teaching the BC curriculum, and allowing unannounced inspections by the education inspectors at anytime. These changes will improve the quality of education being provided to the students as well as the quality of life for the teachers.

Vancouver Sun Article: New Rules for Offshore Schools by

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Vancouver Sun Article: Grade Inflation, Contract Violations

Below is the first article published in the Vancouver Sun on November 23rd, 2012, making people aware of the complaints by several Maple Leaf teachers. The teachers are BC certified, and American certified.

Teachers Allege Grade Inflation, Contract Violations by

taken from: http://www.vancouversun.com/news/Teachers+allege+grade+inflation+contract+violations+certified+school+China/7603331/story.html

Vancouver Sun Article: More Teacher Complaints About BC Certified School in China

This article is a follow up to the first, addressing additional concerns from teachers who also contacted the Vancouver Sun in regards to poor business practices and sub par educational standards at Maple Leaf.

More Teacher Complaints About BC Certified School in China by

Taken from: http://blogs.vancouversun.com/2012/11/29/more-teacher-complaints-about-a-b-c-certified-school-in-china/

Vancouver Sun Article: BC Offshore School Stories Spark Heated Debate

Below is a Vancouver Sun article addressing additional concerns by past and present teachers at Maple Leaf. The article also quotes someone in support of Maple Leaf, who worked at the Dalian campus and has no association with the Tianjin campus, which is the school that is having the most issues and causing the most hubbub about the lack of educational standards at offshore schools.

BC Offshore School Stories Spark Heated DIscussion by

Taken from:http://blogs.vancouversun.com/2012/11/30/b-c-offshore-school-stories-spark-heated-discussion/

Vancouver Sun Article: BC Offshore School Inspections Described as Superficial

This article further describes how the BC inspections of offshore schools are superficial. An ex vice principal of one of Maple Leaf's schools is quoted agreeing that the inspections are not appropriate.

BC Offshore School Inspections by

Taken from:http://blogs.vancouversun.com/2012/11/30/b-c-offshore-school-inspections-described-as-superficial/

Friday, 18 January 2013

Contact Information

If you are interested in contacting us for further information we are willing to answer any questions, comments or concerns that you may have. Our email address is mapleleafteachers@gmail.com

Thursday, 17 January 2013

This flyer was passed out to over 130 students at the UBC Job Fair on Friday January 18, 2013. Concerned young teachers shared their bad experiences working at the Tianjin TEDA Maple Leaf International School campus during the fall 2012 semester. One of the teachers sharing her story was a UBC B.Ed graduate and felt especially strong about sharing her experience, so that other UBC graduates do not find themselves in the same bad situation that she was led into by the Maple Leaf recruiters at last years job fair.

Transition Guidelines for BC Offshore Schools - January 2013

Below are the changed policies to BC offshore schools as of January 2013.

Transition Guidelines for Offshore Schools by MapleLeafTeachers

Taken from: http://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/offshore_schools/

Operating Manual for BC Offshore Schools - January 2013

Below is the updated manual for BC offshore schools, with all of the details of policies that they must adhere to.

BC Offshore Operating Manual by

Taken from: http://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/offshore_schools/

Former BC Offshore School Agreement, 2012 and prior

BC Offshore School Agreement by

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

A Summary of Events at TTMLIS in Fall 2012

Compiled by BC Certified Teachers working at Maple Leaf

1.     Maple Leaf did not supply a Chinese version of teacher contracts.

2.     Maple Leaf did not pay some teachers properly according to their contracts in September and October.

3.     Made all new and returning High School BC Certified teachers sign new contracts upon arrival to China and demanded they sign the new contracts, despite the teachers protesting the changes in the contracts. If they did not sign them, they had to pay their own way home immediately.

4.     Did not immediately tell Students/Parents about the two sexual assaults that occurred near the school, which were also reported to police.

5.     Currently withholding every teacher’s Expert Certificates, which have been requested by several teachers for their own personal reasons, and which every teacher is legally entitled to have as it is their proof of employment in China.

6.     Severe mold issues have been reported to administration in both the middle and high school for at least two years. This mold is hazardous to the health of those breathing it in.

7.     Did not get rid of a stray dog on school grounds despite several complaints until after it bit two people. Security guards then beat to death the dog and its puppies. This was witnessed by a teacher.

8.     High school teachers were promised “on campus housing” – upon arrival to China, administration told the teachers no on-campus apartments were available (which was not true) and made every high school teacher find and pay for apartments off campus.

a.    One teacher does not have a bed to sleep on and when she reported it to the principal he insulted her for complaining and then mocked her to other teachers.

9.     Unsanitary bathroom facilities.

a.    No toilet paper or hand soap

b.    Dirty stalls and floors

10.  Promises were not met including teachers not being supplied computers and projectors, which were guaranteed at recruiting meetings in Canada.

11.   Administration often screams at, threatens and harasses teachers in front of students.

12.  The teaching staff have repeatedly been told that “they are the worst staff the  principal and vice principal have seen in eight years” – which has been said in front of students.

13.  George Watson, the Maple Leaf superintendent, does not respect teacher’s concerns about school issues and responds to concerns by saying “It’s none of your business”.

14.  A teacher has been physically assaulted by another teacher and no reprimands were given.

15. Verbal harassment between teachers occurred during staff meetings with no reprimand by administration. 

16.  Administrators threaten teachers with taking away their teaching certificates if they do not follow orders, which are usually arbitrary and illegal.

17.  Administrators have asked teachers not to fail students despite some students not handing in a single assignment and failing every exam.

18.  A schedule was put out for the high school midterms and then changed by administration without telling the teachers, which created an issue for the exam proctors and led to Ryan Waurynchuk (Principal) to scream at teachers in front of the students and blame the teachers for the lack of communication.

19.  Ryan Waurynchuk (Principal) told several teachers that the Chinese laws do not pertain to foreigners and they are not protected in China.

20.  George Watson, the superintendent, told two teachers that he did not know what the labour laws were in China.

21.  Ryan Waurynchuk tried to prevent a middle school teacher from entering/leaving through the front gates of Maple Leaf. When asked why he is doing this by high school teachers he refused to answer.
a.    Ryan also tried to make her walk alone near the school knowing two sexual assaults had occurred the week before.
b.    Ryan screamed at three teachers and threatened their jobs for sharing a taxi with her to school.

22.  A middle school teacher went to the police to report Ryan Waurynchuk for harassment and verbal assault.

23.  A middle school teacher was fired without just cause and is continuously fighting for money owed to her and an official letter of release so she can work elsewhere.

24.  2 primary school, 2 middle school and 5 high school teachers have resigned in two months at Tianjin Maple Leaf International School.

25.  Teachers do not have proper resources to provide a quality education and have repeatedly asked administration for resources; books, projectors, computers, unrestricted internet, working photo copiers, etc.

26.  Teachers have been asked by members of administration what their religious affiliations and sexual orientations are.

27. Several teachers have reported their apartments broken into.